RUSIA - Apa perasaan anda sekiranya salah satu organ badan anda hilang selepas bangun dari tidur?
Ia tentu menakutkan tetapi itu yang dialami seorang pelakon, Dmitry Nikolaev, 30, yang mendapati buah zakarnya hilang dengan tiba-tiba.
Kejadian berlaku dalam sekelip mata, selepas dia bertemu seorang wanita yang cantik.
Mereka menghabiskan masa berpoya-poya dengan minum di bar sebelum mandi sauna. Namun selepas itu Nikolaev, yang telah berkahwin itu, tidak sedarkan diri.
Keesokan harinya, Nikolaev mendapati dia berada di tempat menunggu bas dalam keadaan kesakitan dan seluarnya pula dipenuhi darah.
Selepas dikejarkan ke hospital, Nikolaev dimaklumkan oleh doktor bahawa buah zakarnya telah dicuri dan proses itu melibatkan pembedahan yang dijalankan oleh seseorang yang pakar dalam perubatan.
Polis juga percaya Nikolaev diberi dadah sebelum dia tidak sedarkan diri.
Pada mulanya, pelakon itu berasa malu untuk menerangkan perkara berkenaan kepada isterinya namun akhirnya dia tiada pilihan.
Susulan itu polis kini sedang memburu sindiket berkenaan termasuk seorang doktor yang menjual organ berkenaan di pasaran gelap.

  • Dmitry Nikolaev was approached by a young woman in a bar in Moscow 
  • The 30-year-old enjoyed a drink and a sauna with her before he blacked out
  • Woke the next morning in a bus stop in acute pain and covered in blood
  • Rushed to hospital where he was told that his testicles had been removed 
  • Police believe he was spiked and procedure was carried out in a 'skillfully' 
  • They fear that his testicles were removed by a gang selling organs on the black market  
Police in Russia are tracking a gang - apparently including a doctor - who drugged a TV soap actor and removed his testicles.
Dmitry Nikolaev, 30, had a drink with a 'young blonde woman' who approached him at a bar after he finished a performance at a small Moscow theatre.
Flirting with him, she invited him to a sauna, and though he was married, he agreed to go with her.
'They kissed and had some more beer and after that the actor remembers nothing,' said a police source.
He woke up next day at a bus stop, feeling acute pain, and with blood on his trousers.
Rushed to hospital, he was told that his testicles had been removed and that 'it was done like proper surgery by someone with a medical education'.
The operation was conducted in a 'skillful way', said police, who believe his beer was spiked by an unknown drug.
They fear a gang seeking to sell human organs on the black market.The actor, now working as a children's animator, was too embarrassed at first to explain what had happened to his wife, said media reports.
Russia's Life News carried exclusive pictures of the victim in hospital.

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